
Providing a warm, nurturing environment where little ones explore, discover, and grow through play and early social interactions.

Nursery Program

Building Bright Foundations

Do Your Best

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.

Colossians 3:23


1 - 2 years old


Jan. 6th - Apr. 25th


Mon. - Fri.:

7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Class sizes

Student-Teacher Ratio


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We use the best approach to education

Abeka's mission is to support and equip students, teachers, and parents by providing amazing Nursery through Grade 12 academic resources based upon biblical values.

Abeka provides a Christian curriculum

Children grow:

Teaching from a practical, traditional approach will develop your students intellectually.
Through traditional teaching designed to help instill good character and by meeting program expectations, students will be able to display personal integrity in their everyday lives and discern right from wrong.
Students will be able to apply biblical truths from God's Word to their own lives, demonstrate knowledge of the doctrines of the Bible, and choose prayer and memorizing Scripture to grow in their faith.

A teacher-directed framework empowers teachers to focus students' attention on the material they need to learn-in a context and sequence that will help them learn it best.

As students begin to grasp what's being taught, newly acquired concepts and skills are fortified time and again using a method often referred to as spiral learning .

Finally, students' growing mastery of subject matter is strengthened because of the comprehensive design of the curriculum. Material taught in one subject is reinforced in other subjects. At every step of the way, students learn, apply, and master new concepts and skills.

Every child deserves a better future

Enroll Today

Take the steps needed to make lasting changes in your child's life, by enrolling in an institution centered around education.



Age: 1 years

Mon. - Fri.: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM



Age: 2 years

Mon. - Fri.: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM


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