Theme Scriptures: 1 Timothy 4:12 │ Numbers 6:24-26 Loading... Theme Scripture
Agapé Total Life Academy was established by the Lord for a special purpose: that of educating the spirit, soul, and body of the students.
He has given this special task to us, the parents, teachers, and staff. For this reason, it is our responsibility to work together toward making our school and our children all that the Lord would have them to be.
The PTA is a positive step toward that goal. It is a source of support for our school.
All parents and school personnel are encouraged to become involved in the various activities carried out by the PTA.
Its membership shall consist of the parents or guardians of children enrolled in Agapé Total Life Academy and school staff.
The object of the association is to advance the education of the students in school by providing a forum for free exchange of ideas by parents and staff of issues relevant to the advancement of the education of the students in the school.The purpose of the Association shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following:
To bring together the Association membership for the support of school related activities.
To elect officers of the Association as provided by the regulations.
To serve as a medium through which members may become acquainted and may cooperate with each other and with school representatives.
To hear progress reports regarding the school and its programmes, plans for the future, and other related matters.
To encourage the free exchange of ideas among the members of the Association, parents, and school representatives.
To promote the welfare and development of children in the school and community.
To cooperate with other organizations and agencies active in child welfare.
To substantially fund various activities and “extras” that benefit the school and its programmes.
The Association shall meet once a month, for the conduct of its business. Special meetings may also be called by the Association chairperson. A majority of the members present shall decide matters brought before the Association.
The Association is organized and operated exclusively for the support of Agapé Total Life Academy’s Statement of Philosophy and Objectives. It shall be a non-profit Association. Officers and Committee members shall be elected at ATLA before the end of September each year from parents and staff.Serving officers shall remain in office until the following September, irrespective as to whether they have children who are still students of the school, and shall be as follows:
A president (Christian parent)
A vice chairperson (parent or teacher)
Secretary (parent)
Treasurer (parent)
Committees will be formed as necessary (elected by parents)
NOTE: Only elected members shall have voting rights.
A written record of the minutes of the general and committee meetings shall be kept. The Principal shall be ex-officio, a member of the Association and all Sub Committees.
The text of any proposed amendments to the Constitution must be submitted in writing to the Officers for consideration. The Officers will then send the proposed amendments along with its recommendation to the members of the Association at least one week prior to the next Association meeting. A majority vote of members present at an announced Association meeting is required for the passage of amendment(s).
support ATLA
For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have."
- 2 Corinthians 8:12